Filling the void

"Emotion, Capitalism & Social Media"

- book mainly about why we use social media - social media consumption is hedonistic like drugs or junk food - do my rather passive social media usage say something relevant about me? - negative effects of using socials improve _quickly_ after stopping using them - warm color/black-white dimming as a "show must go on" rather than "turn me off now" - _many of us love to hate social media_ - social media does not make us feel lonely, loneliness makes us turn to them - lazy thinking is that social media is changing us -> that leads to technological determinism i.e. we're being doomed - if we believe in technological determinism[[random#^1c5de7]], we lose control of our behavior and we let silicon valley brogrammes to be in charge, but as we think with our brains we can and should do better - when someone excessively uses social media it is that person's fault or the platforms are to blame due to abusing human vulnerability? - contradiction between technological determinism & individual responsibility - those uninterested if international affairs are still affected by war, the same applies to those not on social media - it's hard to hide or shy away from them - how come a tool (social media) brings pleasure while other tools are just pleasure free? - _self-control as a depletable resource_ - we post because there's a chance others can see what we post - affect can be thought of as a supercategory to which emotion belongs to - timeline gives a form of emotional distraction that is pleasing to a given user and enables emotion regulation - _emotion is everything in timeline-based media - that's what makes us return back every 10 minutes_ - one of the strangest affects of using the timeline is anticipation of what's coming - "food porn" is the ultimate combination of hedonic pleasures - book 'Our brain on porn' says Facebok is not far from porn - "Dopamine is your motivation and drive to pursue potential pleasures & long-term goals" - "The drive to achieve social status is dopamine driven" - dopamine surges for novelty - new cars, gear, instafeed, porn, ... - doomscrolling is the new channel flicking - 4 essential qualities of a timeline: 1. composed of familiar sources 2. abundance 3. mixture - custom built media experience 4. novelty - promise of unpredictability - _timeline is addictive hosepipe for comodified culture available 24/7_ - _variable schedule reinforcment_ - technique originally used for training animals to enforce behavior by variable rewards - technologies are a reflection of the cultures in which they are used, not the other way round - digital quantification (FB friends, Airbnb rating, ...) are often performative; despite having 150 real friends, people tend to only reach out to 5 friends when in need - industrialisation and transition to the postmodern life makes isolation worse - two types of hapiness - hedonic - short-term - eudaimonic - more long-term - if people are craving/hungry/horny/..., it is way easier to sell them whatever they crave - you can't just opt-out parts of capitalism you don't like (twitter, coca-cola) because they are still in your life - the most dangerous version of how our relationships with capital are obfuscated is when you don't realize you're being part of the exchange at all - "Just do it" / "Life tastes good" / "Think different" slogans aim at fulfilling our primary needs - _going public is a bold statement saying your ultimate goal is to make money_ - being on the cover of Wall-street Journal is just bad :) - the other time people were being sad other than in attention economy was during slavery - the more products become synonymous to things in your life (e.g. "To google something") the harder it is to abandon them - _if you're using Facebook's SSO, you can't leave Facebook because you'd loose associated accounts_ - Orson Welles: "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone" - everything else is just an illusion - Does Facebook care that you exercise your democratic duty or it cares about you sharing you did vote via its interface? - extracting surplus value from causing emotional distress seems to be a dead-end of humanity - media & culture have been comodified into 'content' - social media as a reconfiguration of web that makes consumption as easy & appealing as possible - _feeling of emptiness/uncertainty/stagnation that feels can only be escaped by participating in various forms of enjoyment & consumption_ - which (probably not only) corporations are happy to provide - _consumption/hedonism as a failed attempt to resist capitalism_ - two possible modal changes - enclosure - from public -> private - e.g. paywalls - commons - from private -> public - e.g. reclaiming public spaces - cloud can be seen as a form of enclosure - beware of losing copyright when uploading content - Tim Berners-Lee only announced web in 1991 - also he was agains allowing transfering images because he was afraid of porn overhaul - social media ~ fried food - "There's no such thing as a harmless, clean, unilateral use of social media, if you use them to any degree, they will use you too"


A bit older but still heavily relevant book on how affective media tend to drain our emotional resources. It is interesting to observe and analyze how emotionally and hormonally susceptible we are to social media triggers and design. The abuse of our brain's dopamine circuit to thrive for new things is just so sad.

It is good to be aware of affective mechanisms that are being used against us in our daily lives. The most dangerous situation is when we're not even aware we're being the product (which happens especially when using free digital tools). Additionaly it is worth noting that the more products become synonymous to things in your life (e.g. "to Google something") the harder is to abandon them (if needed). Extracting surplus value from causing emotional distress seems to be a common pattern especially in social media world and it is more than sad that general public does not know more about that phenomenon.

We're trying so hard to fill in our inner voids by consuming more, either digitally or physically but we fail to recognize that that's a failed attempt to resist capitalism. Also we should be aware that there's no such thing as harmless use of social media - if you want to use them to any degree, they will use you too.