Navigating the unknown: A harm reduction tools for first-time offenders

Imagine the fear, uncertainty, and overwhelming emotions of facing imprisonment for the first time. In collaboration with Sovia, we embarked on an innovation project to uncover the complex needs and mental states of individuals in this challenging situation. Explore how our findings could offer support, guiding individuals through this tough time towards a hopeful future.


  • Description of a systemic gap in czech prison system
  • Developement of several tools to decrease its severity, namely:
    • In-depth instructions for what needs to be done after one receives a prison sentence
      • Website information architecture proposal for future website aimed at people receiving a court sentence
    • Training programme for professionals in helping professions
    • Methodical questionnaire for professionals in touch with our target group to help them evaluate their situation
  • Collaboration with a diverse team of key system actors to strenghten project's impact
  • Knowledge transfer and creating new connections between participating organizations and key systemic actors
Identifying what are the key issues imprisoned people are facing with representatives of key projet stakeholders and partners

How did we get there?

User research

Focus groups & workshops

Internal workshops

Prototyping and usability testing

We focused on creating several tools that might help fill in identified gap in the system. Our aim was to get the most amount of relevant feedback to address later and then fine-tuning our proposals based on this feedback.

  • Created prototypes of several tools that might be used to help out primary target group or workers in services where our target group seeks help often
  • Iterative development and adjustment of those prototypes based on gathered fedback, roughly following the RITE approach
  • Feedback gathering with helping services' representatives and in partner prison with selected participants meeting our criteria
Results of leaflet prototyping with people recently having experienced incarceration